Welcome to Orionfinity Software: Empowering Innovation Through Technology


Hello and welcome to the Orionfinity Software blog! We're excited to start this journey of sharing knowledge and stories about software development. This blog isn't just about tech; it's about the excitement, the innovation, and the stories behind the code.

Our story

Orionfinity Software, nestled in the heart of Staffordshire, England, was founded by Jordan Wilcox. Jordan's passion for software and all things tech led him to envision a company that could not only provide cutting-edge solutions but also make a meaningful impact.

Our mission is simple: to empower businesses and individuals by making them more efficient through the wonders of software and automation. We believe that when technology works seamlessly, it allows you to focus on what truly matters.

Our commitment

At Orionfinity Software, we are committed to building lasting relationships with our customers. Our dedication to delivering top-tier, high-quality solutions is unwavering. We view each project as an opportunity to not just meet but exceed expectations, fostering trust and loyalty along the way.

What we do

Our extensive range of Software and DevOps solutions are designed to cater to diverse needs, whether you're a business or an individual seeking innovative solutions.


Our offerings include:

Products - OrionX Multi-Platform

OrionX Multi-Platform

OrionX is a versatile software solution created by Orionfinity Software Ltd. It's designed to simplify the process of building applications for different devices, so developers don't have to struggle with complex technical details of building an application from the ground up. It allows developers to write code once, and it effortlessly adapts to different platforms as if tailor-made for each one:

  • iPhones and iPads (iOS)
  • Android smartphones and tablets
  • Apple Mac computers (macOS)
  • Windows computers
  • Web browsers and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Find out all about OrionX on our website page here

A notable project

A project that embodies our values is our collaboration with our IoT partners, IoTech Ltd. Together, we secured a contract against tough (and much larger!) competition to work with the BCP Council's Smart Place program, creating a community Progressive Web App (PWA) for the local community of Boscombe. This project is a testament to the positive impact technology can have on local communities.

Our community PWA now called MyBoscombe, enhances connectivity and engagement within Boscombe by providing information on local events, dining options, transportation, and more. Beyond convenience, it also offers crucial support for mental health and well-being, reinforcing our belief that technology can really save lives and support those in need.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey of innovation and exploration. We look forward to sharing our expertise, experiences, and passion for software with you. Stay tuned for more insights, success stories, and updates from the Orionfinity Software!

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Kind regards,
The Orionfinity team.

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0333 339 7120

Our Location

76 Pinfold Lane
United Kingdom

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